
Maria Gallo Opens Up on The Importance Of Innovation


35 years ago, newly married couple Frank & Maria Gallo were just starting their life together when they decided to embark on their journey of owning a business. The pair are the driving force behind hair tool brand Framar, and their journey has been nothing short of amazing.

Framar was created back in 1986, when Frank & Maria started selling pre-cut aluminum sheets as their first product, out of their home in Niagara Falls, and to salons in the region. For the first 18 month, the two were on the road 6 days per week trying to make Framar a success, but they knew if they were to grow, distribution would have to be the solution. According to Maria, “When we entered the new millennium, Framar made big moves to accommodate their rapid growth in sales and we continued to outgrow our office and warehouse spaces. These changes also brought in our first re-brand and an in-house production facility, perfectly setup for distribution”. What had started in the basement of a house, was now a full-fledged foil manufacturing hub!

Maria further added, “The most important thing for any business owner is to adapt with the times and make changes as and when needed. Being stuck in your ways only harms your business. With Framar we kept trying new things, we kept innovating and reinventing, taking feedback from salons and executing them”.

The second major re-brand came in 2011, moving into the future with their new products. Today, Framar has been exporting their products to 70 countries and growing.