

CBSE 10th Board Exams 2021: RMT Cards to revise, memorize and test yourself for a big score

New Delhi: A student cannot expect to go in for board examinations with the same level of preparation as they would have for their...

পশ্চিমবংগৰ তৃতীয় পর্যায়ৰ নির্বাচনত ব্যাপক হিংসাঃ বিজেপিৰ মহিলা সমর্থকক হত্যা

গুৱাহাটীঃ প্রথম দুটা পর্যায়ৰ দৰেই পশ্চিমবংগ বিধানসভা নির্বাচনৰ তৃতীয় পর্যায়ৰ ভোটগ্রহণৰ দিনাও কেইবাটাও নির্বাচনী হিংসাৰ ঘটনা সংঘটিত হয়৷ কেন্দ্রত শাসকীয় বিজেপি আৰু ৰাজ্যখনত শাসকীয়...

Election officer suspended in Assam poll money theft case

Barpeta: Barpeta election officer Shashi Kumar Deka has suspended in connection with the theft of Rs 55 lakh from his office chamber, an order...

Meet Kavya Chopra who secured 300 out of 300 marks in JEE-Main 2021

Guwahati: Kavya Chopra created history by becoming the first female candidate to secure 300 out of 300 marks in JEE Main. Speaking to News...

How to crack competitive examinations in first attempt?

New Delhi: The COVID pandemic might soon be behind us, but the same can't be said for recession and dearth of jobs. Every year...
