
Indian Army Day: A tribute to the Bravehearts of our country


Indian Army Day is celebrated every year on January 15. The day aims to honour the members of the Indian Army, which is the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces.

We as Indians owe a lot to the army of our country. These Bravehearts are the reason we sleep peacefully at night. Fighting terrorism and illegal immigration, risking their lives for us, they are on guard, night and day, come hail or storm.

This year, Army Day celebrations have moved out of the national capital and would be held at the various field commands in the country to facilitate a deeper connection with civil society.

Meanwhile, the ceremonial Army Day parade will be held in Bengaluru — the first time taking place outside Delhi. According to information, Chief of the Army Staff General Manoj Pande will attend the event. The parade is expected to witness 8 contingents including a mounted contingent from the Army Service Corps and a military band comprising 5 regimental bands.

The Indian Army has its root in the British Indian Army which was forced to reorganize after the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The British Indian Army recruited most of its soldiers from Indian communities but high-ranking officers were expatriate British Army soldiers.


Army Day is celebrated on January 15 every year. It was on this date in 1949, the Indian Army got its first Army Chief General KM Cariappa. General (later Field Marshal) Cariappa was appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army on January 15, 1949.

He was the first Indian to be appointed as Commander-in-Chief. He took over the reins of the Indian Army from General Sir Francis Butcher, the last British Commander-in-Chief of India. Cariappa remains one of only two Indian Army officers to hold the Five-star rank of Field Marshal; the other being Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. Cariappa led Indian forces on the Western Front during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. 


The day holds significance because it honours soldiers who gave supreme sacrifice defending the nation. It honours the bravery and sacrifice of the Indian Army in defending the people and the nation. Several army command headquarters observe this day in remembrance of the day that General Cariappa became India’s first Chief Commander post Independence.