New Delhi: Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Tuesday issued a clarification over his statement on Sardars and Haryanvi Jats saying, he had mentioned the views of “some people” about these two communities.
“In an event organised at Agartala Press Club, I had mentioned the views of some people about my Punjabi and Jat brothers. My impression was not to hurt any community. I am proud of both Punjabi and Jat communities. I myself have lived among them for a long time,” he tweeted.
“Many of my integral friends are from this community. If my statement has hurt someone’s feelings, I am personally apologetic for that,” CM Deb said in another tweet.
“I always salute the contribution of Punjabi and Jat communities in the freedom struggle of the country. And, I can never imagine raising questions on the role played by these two communities in advancing India,” Kumar added.
Yesterday, Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala shared a video of Deb allegedly terming Sardars and Haryanvi Jats as “less brainy”.
In the 48-second video clip, Deb can be heard saying, “When we talk about the Punjabis, we say the Sardars are not afraid of anyone. They have a lot of strength but they are less brainy.”
He goes on to explain that the Jats of Haryana are physically well-built but have “limited brains”. (ANI)