
Cong-AIUDF start poll campaign wih posters of Sonia, Ajmal


Guwahati: Congress in Assam has already stitched a pre-poll alliance with AIUDF but is riddled with conflicting internal opinions over Badruddin Ajmal-led AIUDF as a choice of partner with the incoming assembly election scheduled next year.

Between all these internal rifts, the Congress and AIUDF had already started their campaigns in BTAD for the upcoming Assembly elections. The alliance has come up with posters containing images of INC party president Sonia Gandhi and AIUDF chief Badruddin Ajmal. Former Goalpara MLA A.K Rahid Alam was present in a campaign meeting which took place in Kokrajhar District.

Addressing to the media Alam said, “Our alliance has brought us to contest for the upcoming election. We have already divided the seats in BTAD. We have already won the quarter finals in the Rajya Sabha with a grand alliance. We are now in the semi-finals and we will definitely win the finals too”.

Meanwhile, taking a dig at the two parties Dibrugarh BJP MLA Prasanta Phukan said, “There is a proverb that a mirror can’t be fixed if it’s broken and the same thing is happening with alliance. They all can form an alliance but it won’t last. For example Tarun Gogoi has a different perspective; Ripun Bora has a different one and Ajit Bhuiyan too. In this way it is definitely not going to work for them”.

Phukan also advised Congress leader Ripun Bora to stop thinking about 2021 elections and asked him to prepare for 2026 elections.

Slamming the grand alliance of AIUDF and Congress BJP MLA Angurlata Deka said, “They are speaking about the grand alliance but in reality no one have seen the alliance yet. These alliances are only on papers and speeches. And to be honest we can’t see any kind of mutual thing in them. Whoever has joined hands with Congress is definitely going to face. So it’s better not to support them”.