GUWAHATI: Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Wednesday inaugurated the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) state executive meeting in Karimganj. State BJP president Ranjeet Kumar Dass, NE state BJP General Secretary Ajay Jamwal, Assam and Tripura BJP organizing secretary, Phanindranath Sharma were also present at the inaugural ceremony.
“A bright surge of saffron towards Mission 2021!
Glad to inaugurate the @BJP4Assam State Executive meeting in historic Karimganj with pres Shri @RanjeetkrDass, @BJP4India NE GS(org) Shri @ajayjamwalRSS ji, GS(org) Shri @PhanindranathS3, veteran leaders & hundreds of karyakartas,” Tweeted Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal.
A bright surge of saffron towards Mission 2021!
Glad to inaugurate the @BJP4Assam State Executive meeting in historic Karimganj with pres Shri @RanjeetkrDass, @BJP4India NE GS(org) Shri @ajayjamwalRSS ji, GS(org) Shri @PhanindranathS3, veteran leaders & hundreds of karyakartas.
— Sarbananda Sonowal (@sarbanandsonwal) December 23, 2020
“From Bodo Territorial Council (BTC) to Tiwa Autonomous Council (TAC) election, people of Assam have supported the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). People have come together for the greater good and development and want to be a part of the BJP and move forward. Mainly, the transport or road issues that were the major problems for the people of Barak have been solved now. On my way here, I felt like there is not much distance between Barak and Brahmaputra. I am sure that BJP will win maximum seats in the upcoming election,” said Batadroba MLA Angoorlata Deka.
“After 2016, under Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal’s initiative there has been a lot of development in the Barak Valley. People will vote according to the development and I don’t think there is any other party in Barak Valley that can stand against BJP today,” said Patherkandi MLA Krishnendu Paul.