
Action against illegal encroachments to continue in Assam: Minister Pijush Hazarika


Assam Minister Pijush Hazarika on Tuesday vowed to continue the state government’s drive against illegal encroachers across the state while also clarifying that the administration is only against the “illegal encroachers, not against any community”.

“We are against the illegal encroachers, not against any community. Those who illegally acquired government lands, we are against those people. We will do it and it will be continued. Yesterday, when the eviction drive was conducted in that area, is very important for us because Mahapurush Sankardeva was born in that place (Batadraba). We have to protect Vaishnav culture, we have to respect Srimanta Sankardeva,” Pijush Hazarika said.

Hitting out at the opposition Congress and AIUDF, the Assam Minister said that, the opposition always sees only one community.

“We are cleaning only government lands. We are evicting the people who are illegally encroaching the government lands. We have evicted other communities also. The oppositions are only with the Muslim people. They have a problem. Most of the encroachers are illegal immigrants and they are belonging to a particular community. But the opposition sees only one community. Our government’s stand is clear that we will free our lands from illegal encroachers. The process will be continued,” Pijush Hazarika said.