New Delhi: Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) on Monday said all-new Thar has crossed 50,000 bookings, within just six months of its launch.
With its design, performance, off-road capability, everyday comfort, technology and safety, the all-new Thar continues to attract not only die-hard enthusiasts but urban lifestyle-seekers as well, the auto major said in a statement.
“We are overwhelmed with this unprecedented response that the All-New Thar has garnered; it has, infact, surpassed all our expectations,” Mahindra & Mahindra Automotive Division Chief Executive Officer Veejay Nakra said.
The waiting period for the model has been longer than expected, he added.
“We sincerely appreciate our customers” patience and unwavering confidence in us while we are working with our suppliers to ramp up production in these challenging times,” Nakra noted.
The company has fast-tracked the process of increasing production capacity both at its Nasik facility and at the supplier-end to meet the demand for the model and reduce the waiting period for customers.
Mahindra had launched the SUV on October 2, 2020. PTI