Popular TV actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who hails from Nazira in Assam’s Sivasagar district, was questioned by Mumbai Police in connection with the murder of a diamond merchant. Devoleena known for her role of Gopi Bahu in the popular TV serial ‘Saath Nibhana Sathiya’ was questioned by police after the recovery of diamond merchant Rajeshwar Udani’s body on Friday. Udani went missing on Nov 28 and his decomposed body was found at Panvel locality of Mumbai.
Devoleena was interrogated at the Pant Nagar Police Station after her phone number was found in Udani’s call details. Police also recorded her statement yesterday (Dec 8).
Maharashtra:TV actors Devoleena Bhattacharjee & Sachin Pawar today appeared before Pant Nagar Police station to record their statements in connection with the death of a businessman in Navi Mumbai. The businessman was missing since November 29 & his body was recovered yesterday. pic.twitter.com/TrbpjUSB7L
— ANI (@ANI) December 8, 2018
The 28-year-old actress, however, claimed she has no role in the murder and that she was questioned by police only as part of the investigation process.
““Hello frens…thanks for your love & caring..I am safe & home nd there is nothing to get worried about..It was an investigation as I know the person who got killed..an official statement has been already given by the department..All is well!!:),” she tweeted.
Hello frens…thanks for your love & caring..I am safe & home nd there is nothing to get worried about..It was an investigation as I know the person who got killed..an official statement has been already given by the department..All is well!!:)
— Devoleena Bhattacharjee (@Devoleena_23) December 8, 2018
Mumbai Police have already arrested two persons — Sachin Pawar, a former close aide of Maharashtra Housing Minister Prakash Mehta, and suspended Mumbai Police constable Dinesh Pawar — in connection with the murder of the 57-year-old businessman.