
Tsunami victims remembered on 15th anniversary in TN


Chennai: The victims of the deadly 2004 Tsunami that struck the Tamil Nadu coast were remembered on Thursday, with a slew of memorial events marking the 15th anniversary of the natural disaster.

On December 26, 2004, a masssive tsunami triggered by an undersea earthquake in Indonesia struck the south Indian coast on a Sunday morning.

Giant waves swallowed many, with Cuddalore and Nagapattinam districts bearing the brunt, even as nearly 7,000 people were killed in Tamil Nadu.

On Thursday, people of over 64 fishing hamlets in Nagapattinam and Karaikal districts observed the anniversary by taking out candle processions and paying floral tributes at memorials.

Nagapattinam Collector Praveen Nayar and district police chief Selvanagarethinam led the special events.

When the clock struck 9:17 am, people observed a minute’s silence to pay homage to the 6,065 people who lost their lives in the tsunami.

In an event organised at Nagapattinam Collectorate complex, floral tributes were paid at the tsunami memorial park.

At Nagore, tributes were paid to those who were buried in the land owned by the Dargah.

The graveyard of the dargah of over 500 yer-old Saint Hazrath Syed Shahul Hameed Quadir Wali witnessed mass burials 15 years ago.

Of the over 300 bodies buried then, nearly 150 were that of Muslims while the rest were Hindus and Christians.

At Tarangambadi, a multi-faith prayer was held.

In different places, as part of the memorials, flowers were strewn on the sea while milk was poured, even as people were seen getting emotional remembering the deceased ones.

Candles were also lit to mark the day while banners and hoardings containing the photos of the victims had been erected at many places.

Fishermen stayed off the sea in many places.