
Transgender community members distribute food kits to needy in Gujarat’s Surat


Surat: A group of around 150 members of the transgender community in Surat has been distributing food kits – consisting of rice, flour, oil, tea leaves, and sugar among other things – to the residents of slum areas of the city and other needy people amid the 21-day nationwide lockdown to check the spread of the coronavirus.

Nisha, a member of the group, said: “We had started with 200 kits but now it has gone up to around 1500. We prepare it ourselves for distribution. We used to get together for the celebration of Navratri, but it got cancelled this year due to COVID-19. So we thought of doing this instead.”

India has recorded 1,117 active COVID-19 positive cases. So far, 32 people have died of COVID-19. (ANI)