Guwahati: The highly-anticipated trailer of The Batman has been released by Warner Bros Pictures. The film stars Robert Pattinson as the reclusive billionaire Bruce Wayne, who protects Gotham City from dangerous criminals as a vigilante, Batman. In the upcoming film, he teams up with Catwoman, played by Zoe Kravitz. The Riddler also finds out who Batman is.
The trailer of the new superhero film, The Batman, shows how Bruce Wayne as a lone vigilante lurks in the shadows of Gotham and hunts criminals. His allies are Alfred Pennyworth (Andy Serkis) and Lt. James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright).
Sharing the trailer of The Batman, the film’s official Instagram page wrote, “Vengeance equals justice for both the Bat and the Cat. Watch the new trailer for The Batman now. Only in theaters March 4. #TheBatman (sic).”
The Batman is based on the DC Comics and is a reboot of the Batman film franchise. The upcoming film is helmed by Matt Reeves. The film’s cast includes Robert Pattinson, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro and Peter Sarsgaard, among others. The Batman is set to hit the cinemas on March 4, 2022.