GUWAHATI: BJP candidates Ramkrishna Ghosh and Sibu Mishra on Friday filed their nomination papers for Hojai and Lumding assembly constituencies respectively. The candidates were accompanied by NEDA convenor, Assam finance minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma and BJP national general secretary Dilip Saikia.
Ghosh and Mishra filed their nominations with a huge procession which emerged as a show of strength ahead of the Assam assembly elections.
“Accompanied Hojai BJP candidate Sri
and Lumding BJP candidate Sri
for their nomination submission for #AssamAssemblyPolls
at #Hojai, along with National Gen Secy Sri
. Pleased to have interacted with very spirited Party Karyakartas!” tweeted Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma.
Accompanied Hojai BJP candidate Sri @RKGhoshBJP and Lumding BJP candidate Sri @SibuMisra for their nomination submission for #AssamAssemblyPolls at #Hojai, along with National Gen Secy Sri @DilipSaikia4Bjp.
Pleased to have interacted with very spirited Party Karyakartas!
— Himanta Biswa Sarma (@himantabiswa) March 12, 2021