Operation Carbide: 15 quintal mangoes ripened using calcium carbide seized in Guwahati


In a major outbreak, the Food Safety officials seized around fifteen quintal mangoes packed in forty baskets from Fancy Bazaar and Maligaon areas of Guwahati. The Food Safety officials carried the raid to seize this huge quantity of mangoes ripened using calcium carbide and other harmful chemicals.

WATCH: Operation Carbide: 15 quintal mangoes ripened using calcium carbide seized in Guwahati

According to horticulture experts, using the chemical is injurious to health as it may lead to cancer. Experts have cautioned mango lovers to be careful while buying the fruit and have suggested consumption of the naturally-ripened fruit. “Calcium carbide reacts with the moisture emanated by the respiration of the fruit. It liberates a gas called acetylene which helps in ripening the fruit. This gas is carcinogenic, an agent that has the ability to alter human cells into cancer cells,” said a farm scientist.

“Traders use calcium carbide which is punishable under the law,” said a Food Safety official, adding that the department would take action against those found using calcium carbide for ripening mangoes.

Later the Food Safety officials also carried another raid at a godown to seize bananas.