
OCP Academy Conducts Digital Marketing Workshop at Amity University


OCP Academy collaborated with Amity University and conducted a two Days Digital Marketing Workshop on November 9th & 10th at Amity’s Lucknow Campus by the renowned Film Director Pranjal Singh. The workshop was part of the OCP Academy’s ongoing initiative to create awareness among students interested in a career in Digital Marketing. Participants will learn about key trends, tools, techniques and resources required to nurture their digital marketing skills.

Pranjal is a Film Director, Educator, Artist, Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Story Writer, Social Activist & Philanthropist who runs the OCP Academy related to Digital Marketing & Future Learning. He originally became well-known for his photography in 2010, then in 2013 he made his film debut with the musical album “In Memory Of My Love,” which included music videos for the songs Tum mere ho and Laut Aao naa. Indian director Pranjal Singh possesses many bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, as well as various certifications and certificates. Pranjal also teaches in numerous famous institutions, including Delhi University, Mumbai University, MICA, Atharva College, Mithibai College, Symbiosis, Amity University, and Jain University (Deemed-to-be-university).

Intending to change society’s views on youth employment, he started the OCP Academy where he emphasises Skill Based learning in his sessions rather than Academics-based learning. He has conducted more than 100+ workshops across the country with the collaboration of colleges & Universities. Pranjal has directed more than

OCP Academy’s Founder and Director Pranjal Singh started the workshop with a presentation on online marketing for beginners, which included a brief overview of the history of online marketing and a timeline of events that have led to the current state of technology, tools and techniques that both professionals and businesses commonly use in India.

More than 600 students participated in this workshop, irrespective of their stream backgrounds. The UGs & PGs from all departments of Law, Mass Media Communication, Business Management, Journalism, and, etc.,  arrived in large numbers to learn more about digital marketing from OCP Academy.

The workshop was divided into four major sessions & 10 Future Learning Sessions: Content Marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing.

Future Learning: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented, Virtual, Mixed & Extreme Reality.

On the first day, the participants covered various aspects of Content Marketing with an introduction to content marketing and how it evolved from traditional forms of marketing. The session included an overview of why content marketing is a great idea for your business and how to plan, create and manage content for your business.

On the second day, participants learnt about major advertising channels such as Google Adwords, Facebook Advertising and YouTube Advertising & Future Learning In Digital Marketing, They also looked at how to manage and optimise display advertising with Google Analytics and Facebook Ads Manager. Participants also understood various PPC strategies (Pay Per Click)marketing strategies, such as keyword research, how to set up accounts and keyword bidding strategies.

Subham Trivedi, the DIGITAL MARKETER PPC & FACEBOOK AD EXPERT,  joined this session on the 10th of Nov and gave an in-depth presentation on PPC marketing strategies and how to handle PPC accounts. Moreover, he contributed to the fruitful session related to Facebook Advertising. Apart from this, he also explained the use of essential tools like Semrush, Google Ads, Ahrefs, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads Manager and HubSpot.

Another helping hand, Ankit Gupta,  having +5 years of experience in Digital Marketing, discussed the evolution & type of digital marketing and its various sub-segments, from the earliest form of Digital Marketing to the latest trends in Digital Marketing.

During the session, Pranjal Singh said, “Digital Marketing – No longer a small marketing segment; this has become vital for business growth. While most of the concepts have always been there, the new ones have brought in a whole new level of evolution, which is what it is all about.”

He also said that in the current situation, all digital marketing courses are offered using WEB 2.0, which has become a traditional method (it only allows one-way interaction while learning). However, OCP Academy will offer all courses using WEB 3.0, an automated digital marketing course allowing two-way interaction while learning. This strategy offers a more engaging and productive learning experience since it is more in tune with how people use the internet. As an Alumni of Amity University, Pranjal Singh ended the workshop with some nostalgic moments of his college days. OCP Academy especially thanks the Student Coordinators Ayush Agrawal & Komal Singhal for their arrangements for the workshop and efforts to ensure the successful execution of this event.

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