Meiraj Haqisa famous Pakistani Drama Serie sActor who first appeared in a Drama series named “Sabaat”. This handsome hunk doesn’t only own a single talent of acting but he also happens to be a cryptocurrency expert. He learnt from his own experience when he took risk and tried to take a leap of faith in trying his luck by investing a certain amount of money in a Crypto coin named “Safemoon”.
Before getting cast in the drama series called “Sabaat”, this handsome man was very much interested in taking his YouTube channel to another level. He also made a documentary regarding the life of the current Pakistani Prime Minister “Imran Khan”. Meiraj Haq is also famous Vlogger on YouTube.
His YouTube career led him to get cast in bigger projects like the drama series “Sabaat”. However, Meiraj Haq has made another YouTube channel named “cryptowithmeiraj” where he guides people how to make money through investment in Cryptocurrency. This platform teaches newcomers all about Cryptocurrencies and all that they need to know in order to make good profit from investment in Crypto.
In one of the very first videos on Meiraj Haq’s new YouTube channel, he shared his own first experience about crypto, how he was at verge of losing all of his investment, how particular numbers and marketing tactics saved him hustle and how it all lead to giving him a lot of profit and his dream car!
At first, he heard all about Cryptocurrencies from his younger brother who happened to work at a marketing company called Safemoon Cryptocurrency. His brother had also invested five hundred dollars into this particular crypto coin at that time. Meiraj had forty five hundred dollars at that time to invest. He took a leap of faith and tried his luck at that time.
At first, it was looking harder by the day to make profit. In the coming few weeks he faced a loss from forty five hundred dollars straight down to just two hundred dollars. He stayed patient and waited for the coin to rise back up.
His brother was positive about the coin and he had asked Meiraj to wait for the marketing company to come up with a strategy against this much loss. In the next three months, the coin went up and his forty five hundred dollars ($4500) were now twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000).
As normal human beings, he started getting greedy and kept waiting until the coin went up to his profit as high as thirty two thousand dollars ($32000). The next day, the coin fell down and his profit went from $32000 to $28000 and then straight down to $22000. When he realised that his greed brought a curse to his profit, he thought I’d sell my coin if it comes back up to $25000! Once the coin went up, he took out his profit and bought his dream car!
If you’re looking for inspiration in the Cryptocurrency world, I think you should follow his lead as he has experience and can guide you better about how to make profit and which coin to invest in!