A team from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), led by its Special Director Ajay Bhatnagar, will arrive Imphal on Wednesday to probe the ‘kidnapping and killing’ of two students who went missing on July 6 in the strife-torn Manipur, sources said. The decision comes after the Manipur government assured justice to the victim and handed over the case to the probe agency.
Along with the team of officials led by Bhatnagar, the case will be investigated by Joint Director Ghanshyam Upadhyay, who is stationed in Imphal, the sources claimed. The team will comprise officers who have expertise in special crime, crime scene recreation, interrogation and technical surveillance. It will also have experts from the CBI’s Central Forensic Science Laboratory.
Harrowing pictures of two Manipur students, who were reported missing since July 6, have surfaced on social media, appearing to be before and after they were allegedly murdered by unidentified miscreants in the violence-hit northeastern state. The victims were identified as 17-year-old Hijam Linthoingambi and 20-year-old Phijam Hemjit.
The first picture shows the two students sitting on a grassy compound with worried countenances, while two armed miscreants are visible behind them. The second picture shows the murdered bodies of the two students. The whereabouts of the students are not known yet and their mobile phones are found to be switched off, according to police sources.
On X, formerly Twitter, Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh, said, “In light of the distressing news that emerged yesterday regarding the tragic demise of the missing students, I want to assure the people of the State that both the state and central government are closely working together to nab the perpetrators.”
He added that the presence of the officials from the probe agency “underscores the commitment of authorities to swiftly resolve this matter.” Singh claimed that he was constantly in contact with Union Home Minister Amit Shah to bring justice in the matter.
Security personnel have been put on alert and additional measures taken to prevent any incident following the photos of the deceased students going viral, a senior officer said.