The third phase of voting for 2024 Lok Sabha elections begins. The elections are being held in 93 constituencies spread over 11 states and Union Territories. More than 1,300 candidates, including 120 women, are contesting in this crucial phase.
The third phase of voting is taking place in 26 seats in Gujarat, 14 in Karanataka, 11 in Maharashtra, 10 in Uttar Pradesh, 8 in Madhya Pradesh, 7 in Chhattisgarh, 5 in Bihar, 4 in Assam, 4 in West Bengal, 2 in Goa and 2 in Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu.
The Lok Sabha elections are being held across seven phases, from April 19 to June 1. The counting is scheduled for June 4