
List of restrictions and relaxations of Lockdown 4 in Assam


GUWAHATI: Assam chief secretary Kumar Sanjay Krishna has issued new guidelines for lockdown 4 to contain the spread of COVID-19 with immediate effect from May 18.

The restrictions and relaxations of the new guidelines include:

Night curfew: The movement of individuals shall remain strictly prohibited between 7 PM to 7 AM, except for essential activities. District Magistrates shall issue orders, in the entire area of their jurisdiction.


The permitted activities with restrictions are as follows except in Containment and Buffer Zones:

All industries and their supply chain are allowed to operate without the need for any specific order. All personnel working there in shifts are allowed to commute to work as per shift timings.

Tea industries and workers engaged therein are allowed to operate at all times.

All warehouses are allowed to operate at all times and personnel required for their operation are allowed to operate all times.

All activities related to PDS operations, FCI warehouses, Railways, LPG and petroleum delivery services and workers and staff engaged therein are allowed to operate at all times.

E-Commerce for all commodities is allowed. Delivery of goods will be allowed till 7 PM.

However, back end activities, including warehouse is allowed at all hours.

All automobile dealerships and outlets are allowed to operate between 7 AM and 7 PM.

Supply chain related to essential food items like milk, fish and other perishables including workers engaged therein are allowed to operate at all times.

All essential services including conservancy services by municipal bodies and other Government agencies are allowed at all times.

Private offices locate at the same building as that of a mall are allowed to operate but shops in the same building will not be allowed to open.

Private Medical Clinics and OPDs including veterinary OPDs shall be allowed to open.

All stand-alone and market complex shops shall be allowed to operate till 6 PM. Shops in malls shall remain closed.

Auto Rickshaws, cycle rickshaws and taxis shall operate with one driver and two passengers maintaining social distancing.

Private four wheelers are allowed with driver and two others.

For two wheelers, pillion riding is allowed either with one female or one child up to the age of 12 years.

All construction works shall be allowed between 7AM and 6 PM. However, all construction activities relating to highway construction, flood control works are allowed at all times.

Bank employees are allowed to move beyond 7 PM depending on necessity.

Large stand-alone shops are allowed to operate with limited number of entrants.

Media persons and persons engaged in printing newspaper and persons engaged in newspaper distribution are allowed to operate at all times.

City buses, intra-district and inter-district buses shall operate with 50% capacity. Only 50% of total number of buses shall be allowed to operate and only under the authority of ASTC. All vehicles which are allowed to ply are not permitted to stop in the Containment and Buffer Zones.

Government offices shall function normally but with staggered work hours for employees.

Barber shops, salons and parlours shall continue to remain closed, however, home visits would be allowed after following hygiene and sanitization norms.

Haats and bazars including weekly markets shall remain closed throughout the state.

Livestock carrying trucks shall be allowed to enter the State except those carrying pigs.

Sports activities without person to person contact and spectators shall be allowed.

Movement of goods carriers, both laden and empty shall be allowed except in Containment Zones.

Prohibited Sectors:

Wearing of face masks is compulsory in all public and work places.

Social distancing shall be followed by all persons in public places and in transport.

Female employees, both private and public, with children below 5 years of age are not to attend office till 31st May, 2020 when this will be reviewed.

All domestic and international air travel of passengers except for medical services, air ambulance and for security purposes as permitted.

Persons above 65 years of age, persons with co morbidities, pregnant women and children below the age of ten years shall stay at home except for essential and health purposes.

All passenger movement by trains, except for security purposes or for purposes as permitted by MHA or Assam Government.

Inter-State Buses for public transport and private vehicles, except as permitted by State Government. Inter- State movement of buses will be allowed only after mutually agreed understanding between concerned States.

All schools, colleges, educational/training/coaching institutions etc. shall remain closed. However, online/distance learning shall be permitted.

Hotel Restaurants and other hospitality services other than those used for housing health/police/Government officials/healthcare workers, stranded persons including tourists and those used for quarantine facilities shall remain closed.

All cinema halls, shopping malls gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars and auditoriums, assembly of halls and similar places shall remain closed.

All social / political/ entertainment/ academic/ cultural/ religious functions/ other gatherings are not allowed. However, not more than 50 persons for marriages and not more than 20 persons for funerals/ last rites, may be allowed maintaining social distancing.

All religious places/ places of Worship shall be closed for public. Religious congregations are strictly prohibited.

Consumption of liquor, paan, gutkha, tobacco etc. in public places is strictly not allowed.

Spitting in public and work places will be punishable with fine.

Shops will ensure minimum six feet distance among customers and shall not allow more than 5 persons at the shop.

Maintaining social distancing and arrangement for thermal scanning, hand sanitization shall be the responsibility of the Head of the Organization both public and private.

All other activities will be permitted except those which are specifically prohibited in Containment Zones, only essential activities shall be allowed.

Government of Assam, based on the assessment of the situation, may prohibit certain other activities in various zones or impose such restrictions as deemed necessary.

All directives as enumerated in National Directives for COVID 19 Management as contained in Annexure Il of MHA order no 40-3/2020-DMI(A) dated 17/05/2020 must be scrupulously followed.

Penal Provisions:

Any person violating these measures will be liable to be proceeded against as per provisions of Section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, besides legal action under Sec. 188 of IPC and other legal provisions as applicable.