Guwahati: Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan on Wednesday announced his new film titled Satyanarayan Ki Katha. The movie is being touted as an epic love story. Sharing a promo of the film, the actor wrote on Instagram, “A story close to my heart #SatyanarayanKiKatha ❤️ A special film with special people 🙏🏻”.
Satyanarayan Ki Katha marks the Bollywood debut of Sameer Vidwans who helmed the National Award-winning 2019 Marathi drama Anandi Gopal. The makers are yet to reveal the name of the female lead.
A story close to my heart#SatyanarayanKiKatha ❤️
A special film with special people 🙏🏻#SajidNadiadwala sir @sameervidwans @shareenmantri @WardaNadiadwala @kishor_arora #KaranShrikantSharma @NGEMovies @namahpictures
#SNKK— Kartik Aaryan (@TheAaryanKartik) June 23, 2021