Guwahati: International Yoga Day is being celebrated all over the world today. This day is celebrated to make people aware of their health and connect with nature and the positive impact of yoga on their bodies and mind.
Yoga teaches us how to sit properly, Pranayam and Meditation. Performing yoga regularly helps the body to be fit and fine. Yoga provides many benefits like health benefits, mental strength, physical strength, prevention of diseases and purification of the body.
So on International Yoga Day, let’s know some Yogasan which will benefit your health and body.
Ardha Chandrasana:
While performing this asana, the position of the body becomes like a crescent moon, so it is called Ardha Chandrasana. This asana is a normal stretching and balancing pose which is especially beneficial for the lower back, stomach and chest. Doing this asana relieves stress. The pose is entered from Trikonasana (triangle pose), stretching up with the rear leg and out with the front hand so that only the fingertips remain on the ground. The gaze is directed at the upper hand. However, Iyengar describes the pose with the upper hand resting on the hip. The pose helps to strengthen the ankles and improve balance
Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a reclining back-bending asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. It is commonly performed in a cycle of asanas in Surya Namaskar. These increase the ability of all body parts to function properly. To do this, lie down on your stomach first. Now bring your palms to the shoulder. In the meantime, reduce the distance between your legs as well as keep the foot straight and taut. Now inhale and lift the front of the body to the navel. In the meantime, make sure that you don’t have too much stretch over your waist. Maintain this state of your stake to the accordance of your ability. Breathe slowly while practicing yoga and then exhale. Return with a deep breath when returning to the starting posture. This is how the whole cycle of this asana ended. Repeat it to your ability.
This asana is easy as well as quite beneficial. Hair asana relaxes the waist muscles and also relieves constipation. This mind-calming posture soothes the nervous system. To do this, sit on your heels, place the hips on the heel, bend forward and apply the forehead on the ground. Place your hands forward on the ground with your hands moving forward from both sides of the body, palm towards the sky. Gently apply pressure on the thighs from the chest. Maintain the position. Get up slowly and sit on the heel and straighten the spine slowly. Rest.
The practice of Marjariasana makes the spine strong and flexible. Doing this asana relieves the problem of back and back pain. Doing this asana relieves the problem of back pain. Come onto your fours. Form a table such that your back forms the tabletop and your hands and feet form the legs of the table. Keep your arms perpendicular to the floor, with the hands directly under the shoulders and flat on the ground; your knees are hip-width apart. Look straight ahead. As you inhale, raise your chin and tilt your head back, push your navel downwards and raise your tailbone. Compress your buttocks. Do you feel a slight tingle here? Hold the Cat pose and take long, deep breaths. Follow this by a countermovement: As you exhale, drop your chin to your chest and arch your back up as much as you can; relax the buttocks. Hold this pose for a few seconds before you return to the initial table-like stage. Continue five or six rounds before you come out of this yoga posture.
Doing Nataraj asana helps in losing weight. It improves your body posture and enhances the balance of the body. This asana must be practiced on an empty stomach. To begin with, stand in the Tadasana. Breathe in, and lift your left foot, such that the heel is placed towards the left buttock and your knees are bent. Your entire body weight must be placed on your right foot. Then, push the ball of the right thigh bone into the hip joint, and pull the kneecap up so that your standing leg is strong and straight. Keep your torso upright. Grasp the left foot from the outside with the left hand. You must make sure your lower back is not compressed. So, make sure your pubis is lifted towards your navel. And as you do that, press your tailbone to the floor. Begin to lift your left foot up, away from the floor and back, away from your torso. Extend the left thigh behind you and parallel to the floor. Your right arm must be stretched forward, such that it is parallel to the floor. Hold this pose for about 15 to 30 seconds. Release, and repeat on the other side.
This asana helps in reducing stress. Sukhasana increases concentration so that you can do anything carefully. Arrange supportive padding (blanket, block, or bolster) under your sit bones so that your hips will be higher than your knees when you come into the pose. Come to sit on your padding in a comfortable, cross-legged position. Shift the flesh of your butt to each side with your hands so that your sit bones have a firm foundation. Lean back and forth and side to side with your torso a few times to make sure that your shoulders are aligned directly over your hips. Slide the shoulder blades down your back so that your shoulders move away from your ears. The crown of your head should rise towards the ceiling. Your hands can rest in your lap or on the tops of your thighs. Turn your palms up to be receptive or down to feel grounded. On your inhalations, feel your spine grow long. On your exhalations, root down through your seat.
The practice of this Vajrasana strengthens the body. It is the only asana that you can do even after eating. You can start that asana by kneeling on the floor. Consider using a yoga mat for comfort. Pull your knees and ankles together and point your feet in line with your legs. The bottoms of your feet should face upward with your big toes touching. Exhale as you sit back on your legs. Your buttocks will rest on your heels and your thighs will rest on your calves. Put your hands on your thighs and adjust your pelvis slightly backward and forward until you’re comfortable. Breathe in and out slowly as you position yourself to sit up straight by straightening your spine. Use your head to pull your body upward and press your tailbone toward the floor. Straighten your head to gaze forward with your chin parallel to the floor. Position your hand’s palms down on your thighs with your arms relaxed.