Kochi: The Kerala Police on Tuesday transported a human heart, a hand, and a small intestine in a helicopter from Thiruvananthapuram to Kochi.
Anujith, was declared brain-dead on Tuesday morning at KIMS Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, while the recipient of the heart is a native of Thrippunithura in Ernakulam district, undergoing treatment at Lisie Hospital in Kochi and the receiver of hand and small intestine is undergoing treatment at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences.
The helicopter landed at the helipad of the Hyatt Hotel in Ernakulam and the organs were quickly shifted to two ambulances within minutes.
The helicopter, Pawan Hans AS 35 dauphin N, was hired by the Kerala government in April this year. This is the second mission of the 10-seater helicopter. (ANI)