Former Chief Justice of India and member of the Rajya Sabha Ranjan Gogoi on Thursday released a book ‘Chief Minister’s Diary No.1’ containing the account of events of the first year in office of Assam Chief Minister Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma.
Speaking on the occasion, Assam Chief Minister said that without bringing his personal life into the limelight, the book featured accounts of daily activities he undertook as a Chief Minister.
Terming him a fortunate Chief Minister who did not have to face any situation like a catastrophic earthquake of 1950, the Indo-China War of 1962 or Assam Agitation, he said that as a result, he could concentrate on developmental activities. His diary essentially featured the growth initiatives that the state has witnessed over the last 11 months.
He said that without violating the sanctity of the oath of office he took while assuming the office of the Chief Minister, he enumerated his day to day development activities that he undertook as the Chief Minister of the state.
He also said that in the next four years, he would bring out subsequent editions of his diary. CM Sharma also thanked former Chief Justice, India Ranjan Gogoi for releasing the book.
Speaking on the occasion former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi said that he has got relations with Dr. Sarma for many years. Referring to his relations with him since his time as a lawyer, Justice Gogoi said that Dr. Sarma left law and entered politics. Consequently, the lawyers’ fraternity has lost a capable lawyer. But politics has gained.