The Delhi Police’s Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit arrested the alleged creator of Bulli Bai app from Assam on Thursday.
The person has been identified as 21-year-old Neeraj Bishnoi. As many as four people have been arrested in the connection with the case so far.
Bishnoi, a second year B.Tech student, is said to be a resident of Jorhat in Assam.
The Mumbai Police had on Wednesday said it has arrested 18-year-old Shweta Singh from Uttarakhand who was one of prime accused in the case. She had created the Twitter handle of the app, the police said. Singh, who has passed class 12 exam and was planning to pursue engineering, was acting on the instructions from one ‘Giyou’ who was based in Nepal, a police official had said.
‘Bulli Bai’ app which targeted Muslim women by putting up their images online for ‘auction’.
Vishal Kumar Jha,21, a second year civil engineering student of Dayanand Sagar College of engineering, Bengaluru was arrested earlier this week. He has been sent to police custody till January 10.