
How Exchange Rates Affect the Cost of Studying in Denmark and Sweden


Have you ever wondered how exchange rates can make or break your dream of studying abroad? The latest currency exchange rates (1 DKK= 4.97 INR; 1 SEK= 8.32 INR) should be checked regularly. Stay connected and understand the impact of currency fluctuations on the cost of studying in Denmark and Sweden. This can save you a ton of stress—and money!

How do you consider whether to study in Denmark or Sweden? Both countries offer the best education systems, excellent career opportunities, and a great living standard. Hence, the question remains the same: how do you decide on a more affordable one, and how is your Indian currency (as you’re an Indian student) valued against the Swedish Krona (SEK) or Danish Krone (DKK) affect you in your budget planning?

Remember the core issue of this blog—the cost of studying in Denmark and Sweden and how their exchange rates impact the overall burden of managing finances? Move forward with this guide, and by its end, you’ll know about the navigation of the currency maze and how to make an informed decision between the education systems of Denmark vs Sweden university and their costs.

Understanding Exchange Rates: The Hidden Factor in Study Abroad Costs

The exchange rates have a crucial and huge effect on your accommodation costs, tuition fees, and overall living expenses. When do the exchange rates come into play? The answer is—while transferring your tuition fees from India or any other country to a university abroad, exchange rates play their role! Your cost of studying in Denmark and Sweden may increase or decrease with just a minor shift in exchange rates.

Let’s explore the way in which your study abroad budget can be impacted because of exchange rates:

  • Everyday expenses: The exchange rate can affect everything from groceries to your entertainment resources.
  • Accommodation costs: With a shift in exchange rates, your rent might rise, as your Danish or Swedish landlord will charge you the same amount in DKK or SEK.
  • Tuition fees: If your home currency (e.g., INR) is weak against DKK or SEK, your tuition fees may increase.

Denmark vs Sweden: Which Is More Affordable for International Students?

Well, the exchange rate of Denmark and Sweden concerning INR is already known to you. So, what’s next on the table? What to choose–study in Denmark or Sweden? Let me tell you:

Tuition Fees Comparison

  • In Sweden, the tuition differs from one educational institution and the program to another. For instance, for non-EU students, the tuition varies between €7,500 and €25,500.
  • In Denmark, for domestic students, it is free, but for international students, tuition fees can range from €6,000 to €16,000 per year.

Masters degree in Denmark vs Sweden: Both countries usually have similar and excellent postgraduate programs, and their costs vary depending on the latest exchange rates.

So, which country is cheaper? The answer depends on your country’s exchange rates!

Accommodation Costs: Denmark vs Sweden

What are the housing costs in both countries? In both Denmark and Sweden, the accommodation cost can be expensive, so let’s see their general stack up:

  • Sweden: It depends on location there and generally ranges from €350-€850 monthly.
  • Denmark: This will depend on the type of accommodation and the city. It varies from € 400-1,200.

Exchange Rate Impact:

  • If the value of your home currency falls against SEK or DKK, you can experience a rapid rise in your monthly rent, which will make your study in Denmark or Sweden more expensive.

How to Save Money Despite Exchange Rate Fluctuations?

Despite these fluctuating exchange rates, your expenses can still be managed. But how? Let’s see:

  • Apply for scholarships in both countries and get your financial burden mitigated.
  • Lock in exchange rates by enrolling early, locking in the older transfer rates, or using prepaid currency cards.
  • Consider part-time work and get your financial burden released while studying in Denmark vs Sweden universities.

FUN FACT: If you’re planning to study in Sweden, you can get free access to healthcare, which can save you a lot on medical bills.

Study Abroad in Denmark or Sweden: Is One Better?

Now comes a big question: For international students choosing to study abroad in Denmark or Sweden; whose education system is better?

Denmark’s Education System:

  • For both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, there are English-taught programs available.
  • They focus on real-world education with their innovative teaching methods.
  • It has an engaging environment to make students directly engaged with professors.

Sweden’s Education System:

  • It also provides access to many English-taught programs.
  • It fosters critical thinking and creativity.
  • Has flexible courses to motivate you for independent study.

Bachelors degree in Denmark vs. Sweden: Denmark’s bachelor’s programs focus more on practical skills, while Sweden’s focus is more on theoretical knowledge and creativity.

Your answer to which country to prefer is here—if you’re more likely into practical learning, then go for Denmark education, while if you’re a theory learning student, then go for Sweden education.

Cost of Living: Denmark vs Sweden

Do you know that Denmark living can be more expensive compared to living in Sweden? Living expenses can add a huge amount to your cost of studying in Denmark and Sweden, and you must consider this:


Q1: How do the part-time work opportunities differ in Denmark vs Sweden?

Both countries have part-time opportunities, but Denmark has more flexible work options, especially in industries like hospitality and tech.

Q2: Will my overall cost of studying in Denmark or Sweden be affected drastically because of exchange rates?

Yes! Even a slight change in the exchange rate will greatly affect your expenses, including living, tuition, and rent.

Final Thoughts

Study abroad in Denmark or Sweden are two top-rated countries with exemplary education systems. The truth is that different factors will determine either of which is your ideal study destination. This includes tuition, living, personal preference, and exchange rates. Therefore, as this blog comes to a close, you will ultimately make a decision between studying in Denmark or Sweden. Both have fantastic education systems. Nonetheless, it is important to understand the effects that exchange rates have on your budget.

So, are you now ready to decide and embark on your exciting abroad journey!

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