Guwahati: The newly-opened Bogibeel bridge will facilitate connectivity of the eight north-eastern states with Delhi. This was stated by Union MoS for Railways Suresh C Angadi to journalists in Dibrugarh after reviewing the Bogibeel bridge. He also stated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ordered ‘special care’ for development of railways in the north eastern region. This was one of the objectives of the minister’s visit to Bogibeel and the north east.
Union MoS for Railways Suresh C Angadi took part in a function at Arunachal Pradesh and said that by 2022, all the northeastern states will have further expansion, modernisation of the railways and will be connected to the capital of the country. The Bogibeel bridge is presently being used by short haul trains and Rajdhani has not been yet introduced in this route. The special expansion will be done by including Arunachal Pradesh in the railways route map. The work will be concluded by 2022 said the minister. Also, rail connectivity to other parts of Arunachal Pradesh is in the pipeline. (PTI)