
Angkita Datta Bal – A Reiki and Pranic healer


Angkita Datta Bal is a highly respected Reiki healer based in Guwahati, Assam.

With years of experience in the field of Reiki healing comprehensively , she has successfully provided precise and effective healing to a diverse range of clients from Assam, Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and other parts of the country.

Angkita completed her Reiki Healing course from Reiki Healing association.

It is a a form of energy healing that originated in Japan.

Reiki involves the channeling of universal life energy through the hands of the practitioner to promote healing and balance in the recipient’s body, mind, and spirit. The process typically includes gentle touch or placement of hands near the recipient’s body, with the intention of facilitating relaxation, reducing stress, and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.

Reiki is based on the belief that energy flows through all living things and that blockages or imbalances in this energy can lead to physical or emotional issues.

Angkita is a pranic healer, completed from world pranic healing foundation. She is also a pranic healer, an energy-based healing modality developed by Choa Kok Sui.

This method focuses on the manipulation and balancing of the body’s energy or “prana” to promote physical and emotional health. Pranic healers use techniques to cleanse and energize the energy field or aura surrounding the body, aiming to remove blockages and restore the flow of energy.

The practice typically involves scanning the energy field, removing stagnant or negative energy, and then energizing the area with fresh prana. Pranic healing is based on the belief that the body’s energy system plays a crucial role in maintaining health and that disturbances in this system can lead to illness.

Contact number – Mobile no-9101498969


Ashish – DELHI

Pranic healing sessions helped in recovery from Stage 3 peritoneum carcinoma Cancer

My mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 peritoneum carcinoma in November 2023. We started her chemotherapy sessions along with pranic healing sessions of Angkita Ma’am. Doctors suggested surgery after 3 cycles of chemotherapy& 3 cycles post surgery .Amazingly 90 percent of cancer in her body disappeared after 3 cycles only which gave us confidence to delay surgery. We did not follow medical protocol & continued with next 3 cycles of chemotherapy. Now after 7 months of pranic healing sessions &chemotherapy sessions she is much better. We are still continuing with Pranic healing sessions to delete cancer from cell memory as suggested by Angkita to avoid relapse.

Relentless efforts of Angkita made this journey very easy for all of our family memebers. He eliminated almost all the side effects of chemotherapy &my mother was able to do all the house hold stuff throughout .She did not take even a single pain killer after her chemo sessions. She was able to eat normally.
I recommend her healings for all the cancer patients & lot of blessings for his future developments in this field.

Drishti – GUWAHATI

Neck & shoulder pain gone in 2 days. Typhoid completely gone in 7 days with healing session.

I was suffering from typhoid. I had high grade fever around 103 for around 8 days with severe neck &shoulder pain. Normal allopathic medicines were not working so i contacted Angkita for her Pranic healing sessions. After 2 sessions my neck &shoulder pains were gone & fever started reducing gradually ,energy levels improved drastically . After 1 week of healing my typhoid was gone, i was completely cured.

I am really grateful to Angkita for his 24×7 support & I strongly recommend her magical pranic healing sessions for any kind of physical, mental &emotional disorder.

Vijay – Chennai

Ulcerative colitis healed completely within 3 months

I suffered from ulcerative colitis for the last 4 years, experiencing severe bloating and bleeding. With the help of Pranic Healing from Angkita, I started feeling better within 2-3 weeks, and within 3 months, I was completely cured. Angkita is very helpful and always available to answer queries. Now, I can eat anything I want. I will say, Angkita has given me a new life, and I strongly recommend her for treatment.”