
AMU Centenary Celebration at USTM


GUWAHATI: In order to mark the completion of 100 years of Aligarh Muslim University, Sir Syed Foundation Northeast India in collaboration with University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM) and ERD Foundation Guwahati organised AMU Centenary Celebration at the USTM campus on Sunday.

The event which was celebrated with the theme of ‘Revisiting Sir Syed’s Vision & taking the legacy forward’ was attended by Prof Tariq Mansoor,VC, AMU, Mahbubul Hoque, Chancellor, USTM, Lt. Gen. ZameerUddin Shah, Former VC, AMU, Prof. DP Agarwal, Former Chairman, UPSC, Prof GD Sharma, VC, USTM, Prof. MM Sufyan Beg, Principal, ZHCET and Chairman, Alumni Affairs, AMU,Aligarh, ShriPradeep Kumar, IPS,ADGP(Retd), Assam and a galaxy of other notable alumni of AMU, stated in a press release issued by USTM.