New Delhi: With the recovery of 64,935 cases in the last 24 hours, India’s recovery rate amongst the COVID-19 patients has improved to 76.61 per cent and is demonstrating continuous progress, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) said on Sunday.
“India’s COVID-19 recoveries have crossed 27 lakh today. Recovery of 27,13,933 patients has been made possible because of effective implementation of the Centre conceived and led a policy of testing aggressively, tracking comprehensively through timely surveillance of close contacts and treating effectively through a widening medical care infrastructure across the country,” MoHFW said.
The number of recoveries in India today exceeds the active cases by 3.55 times.
India has posted nearly 19.5 lakh (19,48,631) recoveries more than the active cases (765302, which are under active medical care). The active cases continue to decline and currently comprises only 21.60 per cent of the total positive cases.
The case fatality rate is on a steady downward trajectory. It has further dipped to 1.79 per cent today. (ANI)