Guwahati: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said the bi-weekly complete lockdown in the state would would be observed on September 7, 11 and 12. Banerjee also said flights operations would resume from six Covid-19 hotspot states but extended the closure of educational institutes till September 20.
Addressing a press conference following a Cabinet meeting, Banerjee said, “In many places in our state, the Covid situation is improving but in many places it is deteriorating also. So, we are not taking any risk and will continue the lockdown for another twenty days. After that, we will further intimate whether the lockdown will be continued or not. There would be complete lockdown in the state on September 7, 11 and 12.”
During the lockdown, all government and private offices, commercial establishments, public and private transport will remain closed. Only movement related to health services, pharmacies, police stations, courts, correctional services, fire and emergency services, electricity, water and other utility services will be allowed.
Banerjee also said flights operations from Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Nagpur and Ahmedabad would resume from September 1. “We have received several requests to resume flight operations from six COVID hotspot states. So from September 1, flight services from these six states can resume thrice a week,” she said.
In the wake of a spike in Covid-19 cases, the Bengal government had imposed a ban till August 31 on passenger flights to Kolkata from these cities.
“Schools, colleges and other educational institutes would remain closed in the state till September 20. The other existing restrictions would be in place,” she said. She also said the government was ready to allow metro services to resume from September 1 by maintaining social distancing norms.
Banerjee also demanded that the Centre distribute money from PM CARES fund to states to tackle the Covid-19
This month, the government changed the statewide lockdown dates four times in a fortnight, triggering criticism from opposition parties. West Bengal has so far reported 1,44,801 cases, including 2,909 deaths.