KANNUR: In a bizarre incident a man who was injured after a jackfruit fell on his head has tested positive for COVID-19. The incident was reported from Kannur, Kerala where a native of neighbouring Kasaragod was brought for treatment at the medical college after a jackfruit fell on his head.
Officials said the man had suffered injuries to his spine after the freak accident. It is not clear how he contracted the viral infection.
The man who is a resident of Belur in Kasaragod works as an autorickshaw driver. While he was trying to pluck a jackfruit off a tree, one of them fell on him, injuring his spine. He was taken to the Pariyaram Medical College in Kannur. His condition required surgery.
According to the protocol, the hospital authorities conducted COVID-19 test of the man which turned out to be positive.
Media reports suggest that the man has no travel history. The source of his infection is till unknown.