In a recent development, a woman attempted to hang herself from a tree in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala on Tuesday. The woman tried to hang herself in protest against the Supreme Court’s verdict over the entry of women of all age group in Sabarimala Temple. She was later saved by locals and the police.
#JustIn | Woman attempts to hang herself from a tree in Thiruvananthapuram, #Kerala, in protest against Supreme Court's verdict over the entry of women of all age group in #SabarimalaTemple. She was saved by locals and the police. (ANI)
— NEWS LIVE (@NewsLiveGhy) October 16, 2018
The news comes amid reports of the already prevailing tension near the temple site as women devotees are being reportedly stopped from travelling to the temple. This is another case of protest by a woman on the Supreme Court’s verdict allowing women of all age groups to enter the temple of Lord Ayyappa. Protests by several women groups have been taking place ever since the apex court’s verdict.
The Lord Ayyappa Temple is set to open on Wednesday (October 17) for the monthly puja, and female devotees are joyed at the prospect of entering the temple for darshan of Lord Ayyappa.
Meanwhile, supporters of various Hindu organisations on Tuesday, October 2 had also taken to the streets to protest against the September 28 verdict of Supreme Court. The protest was led by former Travancore Devasom Board (TDB) President and former Congress legislator Prayar Gopalakrishnan. The Shiv Sena has also threatened a mass suicide by its women workers if young women enter the Sabarimala Temple in Kerala. The Kerala wing of the Shiv Sena has said that they will hold the suicide protest on October 17 and 18.