New Delhi: State-run engineering firm BHEL on Friday said that it has bagged an order worth Rs 450 crore for supply and installation of emission control equipment for a Bhilai expansion power project in Chhattisgarh.
“Valued at around Rs 450 crore, the order has been placed… by NTPC-SAIL Power Company (a joint venture of NTPC and SAIL),” BHEL said in a statement.
The order involves supply and installation of flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) system.
BHEL’s scope of work includes design, engineering, civil works, supply, erection and commissioning of wet FGD system along with auxiliaries including limestone and gypsum handling system and wet stack on turnkey basis.
The company has been a major player in this area for over a decade and was one of the earliest entrants in the Indian market for emission control equipment. The company is dedicated towards providing contemporary solutions for clean power generation from coal-based sets.
BHEL stock was trading 0.88 per cent higher than its previous close at Rs 51.60 apiece on the BSE. (PTI)