In continuation of its relentless drive against corruption, the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption team of the Assam Police on Saturday (March 4) arrested the Deputy Inspector of Schools of Kamrup Metro for taking bribe.
The arrested government official has been identified as Buddha Kataky, Deputy Inspector of Schools, Guwahati, Kamrup (M).
Kataky allegedly demanded bribe from the complainant for giving him relief in Audit of the Development Fund of the School.
ADGP of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Branch – Surendra Kumar took to Twitter to share the news.
“Today, a team of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Branch trapped red handed and arrested Sh Buddha Kataky, Dy. Inspector of Schools, Guwahati, Kamrup(M) while accepting demanded bribe from the complainant for giving him relief in Audit of the Development Fund of the School,” Kumar tweeted.
Earlier on Friday, the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption team arrested three State Government officials in separate operations on charges of taking bribe.
The officials had allegedly demanded money for processing documents of the three complainants, who had approached the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corrpution.
In the first case, a team of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Branch trapped red handed and arrested Pranjal Bora, Lat Mandal, O/O Koliabar Revenue Circle, Nagaon, after he accepted demanded bribe from the complainant for processing and issuing Land Sale Permission to the complainant.
In the second case, a team of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Branch trapped red handed and arrested Bidyadhar Das, Senior Assistant, O/O the Registrar, Cooperative Society, Assam, Khanapara, after he accepted demanded bribe from the complainant for processing his Pension File.
In the third case, a team of a team of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Branch trapped red handed and arrested Bajlul Basit Sarkar, Block Elementary Education Officer, Matia Block while accepting demanded bribe from the complainant for signing his Bank Laon (personal) documents.