New Delhi: Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain on Thursday said there are 669 cases of coronavirus in the national capital at present, including 426 from the Tablighi Jamaat event that took place in Nizamuddin Markaz last month.
“Till now, there are 669 COVID19 positive cases including 426 cases from Markaz, in Delhi,” Jain told ANI.
The Tablighi Jamaat event has emerged as a hotspot for COVID-19 in India with several positive cases linked to the gathering including deaths in Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Telangana.
Jain also informed that rapid testing for COVID-19 will be started as soon as the testing kits arrive. “Testing will be first done in the COVID-19 hotspots in the city. We have demanded the rapid testing kits from the Centre and have given orders to companies as well,” he said.
The Delhi government on Wednesday sealed 20 ‘hotspots’ of the highly contagious virus in a bid to curb its spread.
“The areas that are sealed are small and home delivery will be provided there. If people do not follow lockdown then there will be more difficulties in the future,” the Delhi Minister said.
When asked about two women resident doctors of Safdarjung Hospital who were allegedly assaulted, Jain said, “If this has happened then there will be legal action against the culprit. There should be no discrimination against doctors, paramedics and against those are providing essential services in these times.”
A 44-year-old man was arrested late on Wednesday for allegedly assaulting two women resident doctors of Safdarjung Hospital after accusing them of “spreading coronavirus,” said Delhi Police. (ANI)